Oromia Bank invites interested and qualified candidates for the positions listed below.
Oromia Bank S.C. (O.B.) was created in compliance with pertinent rules, laws, and regulations as well as the 1961 Commercial Code of Ethiopia, through the Monetary and Bank Proclamation Number 83/1994 and by the Licensed and Supervision of Banking Proclamation Number 592/2008.
Take note of the following conditions:
- Terms of employment——-Permanent basis.
- Compensation and Salary Packages – As per the scales of salary for the Bank.
- The applicants must satisfy the requirements above to be accepted.
- The applicants must clearly state the position they’re applying to by organizing the application form and CV experience and qualifications. Experiences.
- Date of registration – 7 consecutive working days beginning from the announcement date.
- Only those who have been shortlisted will be contacted.
- Send only appropriate and complete qualifications and experience in the field.
Deadline: October 16, 2023
How to Apply:
Qualified and interested applicants who meet these requirements may submit the non-returnable letter of application as well as a copy of their CV of the supporting documentation by mail in person to the H.R. Operations Directorate on Oromia Bank Building which is located in Bole, Africa Avenue, close to Getu Commercial Centre, 11th Floor, Office No. 1101 by the deadline specified or submit credentials documents to the P.O. Box address stated below by the deadline set.
P.O. BOX: 27530/1000
Oromia Bank
H.R. Operations Directorate