Ethioian Airlines Call For Physical Screening/Trainee Aircraft Maintanance Technician Trainee


Ethioian Airlines Call For Physical Screening/Trainee Aircraft Maintanance Technician Trainee


Location : Ethiopian Airlines Head (Aviation university Auditorium)
Description :
Among those applicants who have applied for the position of Trainee AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN TRAINEE/AMT (ET-SPONSORED) only from August 21-25, 2023 through online, the following candidates are requested to come for Physical Screening to Ethiopian Airlines Head (Aviation university Auditorium) per the below schedule

Please note that:

Candidates are required to come with proper business attire & grooming
Candidates are required to come only on the mentioned schedule. Candidates who come before or after the mentioned schedule will not be entertained!
Grooming should be up to the standard!
Male candidates with clean cut hair and fully shaved beards will only be accepted.
Female candidates with formal hair and dressing style will only be accepted.
If your name is listed below, it doesn’t mean that, your documents are eligible. Therefore, candidates should know that there will be verification of original documents upon the physical screening schedule.
Candidates who don’t meet the minimum educational qualification and the minimum height requirement (i.e. 160 cm) will not eligible for written exam and further assessments.

Candidates are required to come with original of all educational document, including but not limited to grade 8th ministry card, temporary certificate of graduation, student copies, birth certificate from city administration & renewed identification/kebele ID card.
When coming to the premises of Ethiopian airlines, all candidates are required to wear facial masks, sanitize hands frequently & maintain physical distance at all-times.
Candidates who fail to meet the above requirements will not be eligible to sit for the Physical Screening and further assessments.
We kindly request all candidates to come with neat and clean appearance.
If anyone is found to apply with false information it will lead to subsequent termination from the process upon discovery of the fact.

Candidate_List( 3210) Or


Applicants must follow the link and fill out the application form to be considered for the role.

You should read the vacancy announcement carefully, check the vacancy details, prepare your CV or Application details, and submit your application as instructed by the organization.

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